Scam Updates for European City Guide & Avant Garde Software

European City Guide Update:

Your school may have received correspondence for a "European City Guide". While apparently similar to other European initiatives, the Guide has a cost of €857 included in the small print. If you have offered your schools details to this guide you will find that you will be invoiced for this amount. All subsequent attempts to cancel inclusion of your school details in the Guide will not be permitted and you will then receive threatening emails and phone calls from a debt collector causing much distress to principals and treasurers. Following legal consultation, IPPN recommends that should you find yourself in such a scenario, do not engage in further correspondence or telephone conversations as this is an elaborate scam. All demands for payment should be ignored.

Avant Garde Software

Your school may also have received an invoice from Avant Garde Software for two poetry cd roms. The invoice states that if you do not pay it within ten days the matter will be referred to Kilroys Solicitors.

IPPN have been in contact with Kilroys Solicitors and can confirm that Kilroys Solicitors of 69 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 has no knowledge of Avant Garde Software and is not acting on their behalf.

We recommend that you firstly, verify that you ordered and have indeed received the CDs prior to payment of any invoice from Avant Garde Software, and secondly, that any cheque payments are made and posted to the correct service provider.

Is mise le meas

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

