Tánaiste announces €24m in grants for high-tech classrooms in 3,300 Primary Schools [education.ie]

Almost 3,300 primary schools across the country are to get €24 million in grants for high-tech equipment over the coming days as part of the Government's strategy to make technology an integral part of the learning process, according to the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Coughlan TD.

Primary schools throughout the country will each receive a block grant of €1,700 and a payment of €35.70 per capita, which will enable the schools to purchase equipment.

DEIS schools will receive a higher basic grant of €2,550.

To ensure efficient use of these grants, primary school principals attended nationwide seminars this year on eLearning Planning and all schools received detailed supports on developing and implementing eLearning plans.

Announcing the move at the Central Model School in Dublin this morning, the Tánaiste said: "The provision of ICT funding to schools is a key component in the implementation of recommendations of the Smart Schools = Smart Economy Report.

"The Government recognises the need for investment in this area and is committed to providing funding to support the integration of information communications technology in teaching and learning in our schools.

"Primary schools will be asked to ensure that the recommended baseline equipment of a teaching computer with wireless mouse and keyboard, and a fixed digital projector is installed in every classroom.

"This is in line with the recommendations in the Smart Schools = Smart Economy Report.


Full Story: www.education.ie


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