Education cuts plan 'threatens 2,000 jobs' []

THE Government is considering drastic cuts in education which could see the loss of up to 2,000 jobs, the Irish Independent has learned.

Also included is the introduction of transport charges for primary school pupils for the first time and cuts in spending at all levels of education.

The list has caused tensions within the coalition with the Greens setting out non-negotiables, including changes in the pupil-teacher ratio.

Negotiations with Fianna Fail ministers continues today.

It is understood the cuts on the table include the following:


  • A worsening of the pupil- teacher ratio in primary and post-primary schools which will mean the loss of 1,100 posts.
  • A reduction of 500 special-needs assistants.
  • Ending preferential ratios for gaelscoileanna.
  • A 10pc cut in the capitation grants given to schools for every pupil.
  • A 5pc cut in higher education spending.
  • A €150m cut in the school building programme.
  • An increase in exam fees for the Leaving and Junior Cert.
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