Science Week kicks off with a bang as experts search for alien life forms []

A debate about the end of the world and whether we share the galaxy with other life forms are just some of the intriguing events that will be held across Ireland as part of Science Week.

Professor of astronomy Ian Morison, who has been searching for signs of intelligent life beyond the Earth for years as a member of Project Phoenix, will reveal his thoughts on extra-terrestrial life at a lecture at the Sligo Institute of Technology on Thursday night.


Meanwhile, at Trinity College in Dublin on Friday night, renowned physicist Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell will examine evidence linking asteroids and solar flares to fears of an impending Armageddon in 2012.

They are just two of more than 500 events taking place at universities, secondary and primary schools across the country this week to promote science in our everyday lives.

This year's theme 'Our Place in Space' focuses on the latest developments in astronomy and space travel and Ireland's little-known role in the space industry.


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