Chief Inspector launches Inspectorate Report on English and Mathematics []

The Chief Inspector, Department of Education and Skills, Dr. Harold Hislop, today launched the Inspectorate report, Incidental Inspection Findings 2010.

The report, which focuses on the quality of teaching and learning of English and mathematics in Irish primary schools, is based on the outcomes of unannounced (incidental) inspections completed in over 450 schools throughout all parts of the country between October 2009 and October 2010.

In launching the report, the Chief Inspector stated that the inspectors' findings, based on the evaluation of more than 800 English lessons and over 500 mathematics lessons, provided an excellent snapshot of the quality of teaching and learning in these two subjects.

He said, "It is heartening to be able to report that there were many strengths in the teaching of English and mathematics in the majority of the classrooms inspected."

He noted that most aspects of teachers' work were satisfactory or better in over four-fifths of the lessons in each of these subjects.

However, he went on to say: "I am particularly concerned about the significant proportion of lessons – over 14% – in both English and mathematics where the learning experiences provided for pupils were not satisfactory."

The report documents several strengths in the practices of teachers in the majority of the lessons observed.


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