Tánaiste announces plan to improve literacy and numeracy in schools [fiannafail.ie]

Sweeping reforms to teacher education courses, increased time for literacy and numeracy in primary and post-primary schools, and a significant extension in the use of assessment and testing in reading and mathematics are included in a major package of proposals to improve literacy and numeracy in schools launched by the Tánaiste, Mary Coughlan TD, in the Department of Education and Skills today.

The Tánaiste was launching for consultation her draft plan to improve literacy and numeracy standards, titled ‘Better Literacy and Numeracy for Children and Young People: A Draft National Plan to Improve Literacy and Numeracy in Schools’.

The Tánaiste said that while many students were achieving well in literacy and numeracy, there was evidence of considerable room for improvement in the literacy and numeracy skills of young people.

“We cannot be complacent about the standards of literacy and numeracy in our schools,” said the Tánaiste. “The evidence suggests that we should and could be doing better in these areas that are so critical to educational attainment. To make this happen, the significant reforms I am outlining today are required.”


The Tánaiste was responding to the findings of a report, ‘Incidental Inspections 2010’, published today by the Inspectorate of her Department on the outcomes of unannounced inspections in primary schools in the last year. The inspectors found that over 80% of lessons were satisfactory or better. However, over 14% of English and mathematics lessons were unsatisfactory. They also found that teachers’ preparation was unsatisfactory for approximately a quarter of lessons, and that teachers’ assessment of pupils’ achievement was unsatisfactory in a third of cases.


Full Story: www.fiannafail.ie


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