Green Economy to provide opportunities []

At times like these we are all searching hard for good news, news that encourages us and lifts our spirits in the middle of the gloom. It's particularly important for our young people.

As many parents notice, this generation is becoming very cynical and disillusioned about the future of the country, and about their own future prospects in particular.

It goes without saying that young people represent the future of the country, and we must do our utmost to give them the encouragement and opportunity they need.

There is encouragement that, even within the context of cutbacks in the publicly funded sectors, education is earmarked for continuing growth. Students will be required to make a bigger contribution to third-level costs, which will be a burden for many.

But future growth depends on a skilled and educated workforce, so students should do their best to avail of the opportunities that are out there.

The Green Economy is one of the areas where growth is forecast. The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) has just published a report which identifies the future skills needs of enterprises engaged within the Irish 'green economy' and which proposes a range of measures to drive business and employment growth.

If substantive progress were made, the report anticipates that employment in the sector would rise from 18,750 in 2010 to 29,000 by 2015. Taking into account both 'expansion' and 'replacement', it is believed that around 14,500 employment opportunities would arise over the next five years.


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