Government outlines €690m in education cuts []

Cuts to the education budget totalling €690m were announced today as part of the four-year plan.

Capitation grants to schools and other programmes, such as Youthreach and Adult Literacy programmes, will be reduced by 5%.

Student fees will be increased to €2,000 a year, up from €1,600, while a €200 charge will be introduced for post Leaving Certificate students.

Unspecified cuts will be made in student grants to yield a total saving of €51m in 2011.

The non-pay grant to third-level colleges will be cut by 5%.

The number of educational psychologists will be capped at 178, while teacher numbers will be reduced by 'a combination of measures.'

As with all entrants to public service, there will be a 10% salary reduction for new teachers.


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