FETAC puts hold on Fás certs pending audit [IrishExaminer]

FETAC has put a hold on the issuing of almost all certificates to Fás pending the results of a national audit.
The investigation of the Fás programmes was initiated last month after issues were identified in the north-east.

The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is visiting all 17 Fás centres that request certificates. It has already visited six.

The stay on all certificates, apart from apprenticeships and construction related courses. emerged following a response to a Parliamentary Question asked of Tánaiste and Education Minister Mary Coughlan by Fine Gael Education spokesman Fergus O’Dowd last night.

He asked Ms Coughlan why FETAC was carrying out audits at some Fás centres and "the precise number of individual cases which were the subject of the recent Fás communication to FETAC regarding certification queries from the north-east".

In her response Ms Coughlan said that during the implementation of a new Training Standards System in the northeast, "significant processing issues in respect of a small number of courses were identified by Fás giving rise to errors on certificate requests for 53 learners on six courses". "No certificates had issued to learners," she said. "However, as a result of these issues, Fás decided to undertake a more detailed review. FETAC are now conducting an examination of the issues with Fás, involving visits to all Fás centres that request certificates from FETAC."

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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