School bus charge for primary pupils []

From autumn 2011, parents of primary school children will face an annual school bus charge of €50 per child, to a maximum of €110 per family.

Last year, An Bord Snip Nua had proposed an annual charge of €500 for all school bus passengers. While the €50 charge imposed in Budget 2011 may seem modest in comparison to this, it is regarded by parents as one more cost in a long list.

“The families being hit with school bus charges are the same people losing out on child benefit payments and paying higher taxes,” said Áine Lynch, chief executive of the National Parents' Council Primary.

Meanwhile, second level students using the school bus service will see a rise of €50 in their annual payment, bringing it to €350 a year with a maximum charge of €650 per family.

School transport will continue to be free for children with special educational needs and for children of families with medical cards.

From September 2011, a minimum of 10 eligible children will be needed to establish or keep services, compared with seven at present.


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