Results black mark for our system, says Quinn [IrishTimes]

REACTION: THE ORGANISATION for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) survey results are a “shocking indication of how our education system fails to perform at the most basic levels”, Labour’s Ruairí Quinn said last night.

Labelling the results “a black mark” for the Irish education system, he said Ireland is now ranked outside the top 10 developed countries in terms of reading, science and maths.

“Incredibly, the class of 2010 is the first generation of Irish students not to have a better standard of literacy than their parents.”

General secretary of the Irish National Teachers Organisation Sheila Nunan said above-average OECD scores over the last decade had led to some complacency at official level.

But she said teachers were not complacent about standards.

Ms Nunan said significant changes over the past decade could not be ignored.


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