Ictu, Most Unions Silent On Public Sector Pension Cuts? [indymedia.ie]

Only IFUT and TUI proposed doing anything about Public Sector Pension Cuts. INTO and INMO mentioned the cuts in statements. There was no mention of the cuts on Websites of the following bodies: ICTU, SIPTU, ASTI, CPSU, PSEU, IMPACT. Union responses are pasted below.

While INTO, ASTI, TUI are running a campaign against the pension rip-off of new public servants announced in the Budget, there is no mention of this issue by the silent unions above. It is believed that ICTU has refused to oppose the new “pension Scheme” which is in effect a tax because the individual gets less out than was contributed (Trident Report to Teaching Unions). There is no proposal by any union to do anything about the pay cut for new entrants. This decision breaches a whole range of existing industrial relations agreements and agreed circular letters.

Was there a Secret Deal between Government and the General Secretaries Group called ICTU?

It is already widely believed that the government intends to take our conditions of service under the Croke Park Deal and to cut our pay again when this process is completed. The Review of the Croke Park Deal in conjunction with IMF/EU in 9 months time which was recently announced lends credence to this belief.

Minister Lenihan met an ICTU delegation before the Budget. He assured them that there would not be a new cut in public service pay in the budget.

Was there a quid pro quo? Did ICTU agree a whole range of “savings” at the expense of public servants. No action of any kind was proposed at the mass demonstration sponsored by ICTU.

In addition to the matters mentioned above several other budgetary measures reduced the public service pay bill as I pointed out yesterday.

Salaries—Additional Reductions in Public Sector Remuneration

In addition to the increase in taxes on incomes generally, the reduction in tax relief on pension contributions and the abolition of the PRSI ceiling which were imposed in Budget 2011, special impositions on public service salaries were contained in the small print.


Full Story: www.indymedia.ie


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