The growth of Educate Together in Dublin 15 []

September will mark the opening of two new primary schools in Dublin 15 – both under the patronage of the Educate Together movement.

The schools, one designated for Mulhuddart and one for “Blanchardstown West,” were first announced earlier this year and following the appointment of Educate Together as patrons, a frantic race against time has begun to have them fully operational for the next school year after the summer. As is usually the case these days, both schools will initially operate out of temporary premises.

Powerstown Educate Together National School (ETNS) will be based in the prefab premises of Tyrrelstown ETNS on Powerstown Road, which they will be vacating in August for their new school building in the area. The second school, Blanchardstown West ETNS will initially operate out of the old pre-fabs at Mary Mother of Hope NS in Castaheany – home to many start up schools over the past decade.

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