Archdiocese ‘must release list of Walsh’s victims’ [IrishExaminer]

THE archdiocese of Dublin should release the list of all the victims Tony Walsh admitted to abusing to allow families know if it may explain the suicide of their loved ones, a woman who warned Church authorities repeatedly about his activities has said.
Angela Copely of the Ballyfermot Resource Centre said: "The saddest part of all this is the victims are out there and hearing all this and they know this could have been stopped and it wasn’t..the even sadder thing is the people that have died from suicide."

She said this may help to explain a spike in young male suicides in the Ballyfermot area of people that matched the age of Walsh’s victims.

Ms Copely was outspoken in her criticism of Fr Alex Stenson a still serving priest in Dublin. In 1994 Ms Copely went to report Walsh’s behaviour to Fr Stenson and was offered tea and chocolate biscuits.

"I told him what he could do with them because he really didn’t seem to care about what I was telling him... I’m hopping mad because I’m thinking of all the people who could have been saved if he was a normal citizen."

She called for Archbishop Martin to remove Fr Stenson from his position as a serving Dublin parish priest, saying that Fr Stenton had ‘covered up’.

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