Nun’s unfair dismissal claim against school overturned [IrishExaminer]

A NUN lost her claim of unfair dismissal from a primary school as the judge said she was appointed through the legal contrivance of not having to compete for her job and she had to accept the rules when the job ended.
Sr Maria O’Sullivan of Grange Way, Pinecroft, Grange, Douglas, Cork, worked at the Presentation Primary School in Bandon, Co Cork, from 1991 until she lost her job in August 2006. At Cork Circuit Court yesterday it was claimed by her barrister, Sheila O’Kelly, that she lost her job after her provincial leader, Sr Mary Hoare, withdrew her nomination from the school saying she should take a career break because of a previously stressful situation.

The claim made by Ms O’Kelly BL was that Sr O’Sullivan, who is still a Presentation Sister in full- time employment as a primary school teacher in another school, was not given fair procedure and was entitled to the protection of her contract.

"In no way would I accept a career break. I said I would rather leave the congregation than be subjected to such an injustice.

"I had signed my contract, I was teaching there 15 years, I was a very good teacher, well-known and acknowledged," Sr O’Sullivan testified.

She said her provincial leader at a meeting in July 2006 said she should take a career break. "The reason she gave me was that she was afraid the board of management (of the school) were going to dismiss me because I did not attend a medical appointment they set up," she said.

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