Books must be given priority over TV, says Coughlan [IrishTimes]

HOMES WITH a lack of reading material, and televisions in the bedrooms, were contributing to low literacy levels among children, Minister for Education Mary Coughlan told the Dáil.

She was responding to an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) study. The Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) survey revealed that literacy levels in Ireland had dropped more significantly than in any other OECD country.

“It was not money,” said Ms Coughlan. “It was the priority: books or television?” The Minister said she was working towards improved teacher qualification and an emphasis on curriculum change in literacy and numeracy.

Fine Gael spokesman Fergus O’Dowd said the report had shown appalling education results during the Celtic Tiger era.

One in six students had significant reading problems, with 23 per cent of males having a literacy level below “functional literacy”.

That meant they could not communicate in society, he said.

Mr O’Dowd called for a crusade for literacy in the schools and a radical shake-up in the administrative system within the Department of Education. Teachers should be empowered to get the best results for all children.

“You are failing those who are most vulnerable,” he added.


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