Snow brings early end to school term []

CHRISTMAS came early at schools all around the country yesterday, as the extreme weather forced holidays to begin sooner than usual.

Many schools closed early yesterday and announced they would not be re-opening until January 10.

This week's closures means that thousands of pupils have lost 15 or more days' tuition in a month. This is the fourth week of the Arctic weather and many schools have only managed to open for a few days or a week since November 29, when it took a grip. Schools were supposed to be open up to and including tomorrow before the Christmas break.

Rural schools have been badly affected by hazardous conditions on secondary and minor roads, which have not been gritted, preventing school buses from running.

The heavy snow on the east coast yesterday made life very difficult for schools in Dublin and other major urban centres. Some schools that opened were disrupted by parents arriving to take their children home early.

Among the schools will extend Christmas holidays are Hollypark Boys' National School, Blackrock, Co Dublin; Presentation Primary School, Terenure, Dublin; and several in Co Kerry and Co Louth.


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