One-in-eight primary pupils misses 20 school days a year []

ONE in every eight primary school children misses 20 school days or more each year, a report revealed yesterday.

Absenteeism is far worse among pupils in disadvantaged areas, where up to one in every four children misses 20 days annually, or almost one day in every 10 of the school year.

The 'State of the Nation's Children report: Ireland 2010' published yesterday provides a snapshot of Irish children's lives -- their relationships, habits, health and social status -- and compares them with their peers across OECD countries.

Positive trends include increases in immunisation rates and breastfeeding, particularly among middle-class mothers; while the negatives include the rise in obesity, consistent poverty and absenteeism in a country where maths and reading scores are already relatively poor.

The report, the third in a biennial series, was compiled by the Department of Health and Children, using figures from the Central Statistics Office and other sources.

An analysis of children's relationships with their parents found a significant decrease in the percentage of 15 year olds who say their parents discuss with them how well they are doing at school (43pc in 2009 compared with 48pc in 2006). Significantly more girls (71pc) than boys (49pc) report that their parents spend time just talking with them.


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