Local VEC project oversight ‘defective’ [IrishExaminer]

THE State spending watchdog has found Cork County VEC’s oversight of a costly and failed computer teaching programme at a Cork school was defective.
The Comptroller and Auditor General, John Buckley, said CCVEC had paid €168,000 to a private software development company — Mobile Voyager Solutions — but the contract was unclear and put taxpayers at a disadvantage.

The money formed the bulk of a €215,986 bill for the three-year lease of equipment to Glanmire Community College who eventually lost €161,990 when MVS went out of business and CCVEC was called on to meet the repayments.

The matter only came to light after an anonymous tip-off to the Dáil’s Public Accounts Committee and was harshly criticised by the Department of Education. Mr Buckley subsequently investigated the deal and his report has found there were a number of areas in which the procedures of the school and VEC were deficient.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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