Union says it is up to schools if they want to make up lost snow days [IrishTimes]

SCHOOLS: THE IRISH National Teachers’ Organisation has said individual schools should be left to decide whether or not they make up school days lost during the bad weather.

The union, which is the largest in the country, also dismissed calls for a change to the standardised school year in an effort to make up lost days later in the school year.

The extent of closures had varied, with some schools reporting little disruption, the union said, adding that some schools had used closed days for teacher training and planning.

“Others have taught pupils using the internet where this was possible, while other schools have already made up time lost by working a planned closure on December 8th 2010 where the board agreed to this,” it added.

The union also said the key planning that needed to be undertaken related to the gritting of roads and footpaths, particularly secondary roads. “Nearly every school closure related to safety issues outside of the control of schools,” it added. “If this matter were addressed, there would be fewer closings no matter how bad the weather.”

It dismissed a call from a group representing principals that days could be made up during upcoming holiday periods. “It is not possible to say with any certainty what weather conditions will be like in early January. This makes talk of reopening schools on an earlier date in January, premature and speculative,” it said.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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