Third-level sector needs additional €500m [IrishTimes]

THE HIGHER education system requires additional funding of up to €500 million a year to keep pace with record student demand and to meet Government targets for the economy, an expert group has concluded.

Current funding of the sector is “unsustainable”, while continuing cuts in State support will damage overall standards, according to the national strategy for higher education.

The Hunt report is also sharply critical of the Leaving Cert. It says students entering higher education directly from school often lack the skills needed for successful engagement at college.

With colleges facing a 30 per cent increase in student numbers, the expert group – chaired by economist Dr Colin Hunt – says annual funding must increase from €1.3 billion to €1.8 billion a year by 2020. It says funding should virtually double to €2.25 billion by 2030.

To put this in context, the recent €500 increase in the student contribution fee – announced in the Budget – will yield less than €40 million for the colleges.

Overall, the report appears sceptical about the prospect of any such funding – despite the fact that current spending on higher education in the Republic is already some 28 per cent below many leading states.

The report, which will be officially published by Minister for Education Mary Coughlan next week, sets out a 20-year strategy for the sector. Details of its findings were first reported in The Irish Times last August.


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