Language activists blast FG's plan to make Irish optional []

Fine Gael is set for a war with Irish language activists as it sticks by its plan to scrap compulsory Irish at the Leaving Cert.

The party, which is set to lead the next Government, is committed to making Irish optional after the Junior Cert.

Enda Kenny has frequently stated that compulsion has failed as the political engine to revive the language.

If he presses ahead with his plan, he would be slaughtering one of the sacred cows of Irish education.

Tens of thousands of students who see little value in learning Irish will welcome the move, but language activists warn that it could have a catastrophic effect.

Conradh na Gaeilge, the Irish language movement, warned that making Irish optional could cause a dramatic decline in the number of students taking the subject.

Julian de Spáinn, general secretary of Conradh na Gaeilge, said the measure could de-motivate students right through the school system.

"You could have parents telling their children in second class in primary school not to worry about the subject, because they do not have to study it at the Leaving Cert. That attitude could spread through an entire class.''

Activists also fear that tens of thousands will give up Irish because languages are perceived to be difficult subjects.


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