Tánaiste launches the National Strategy for Higher Education [fiannafail.ie]

The Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Ms. Mary Coughlan, T.D., today launched a strategy that will see the transformation of Ireland’s higher education sector over the next two decades.  The National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030, which has been endorsed by the Government as the future blueprint for the sector, was developed by a High Level Group under the Chairmanship of Dr Colin Hunt.  The Strategy sets out changes for the sector that are aimed at providing for:

-          a more flexible system, with a greater choice of provision and modes of learning for an increasingly diverse cohort of students;

-          improvements in the quality of the student experience, the quality of teaching and learning and the relevance of learning outcomes; and

-          ensuring that higher education connects more effectively with wider social, economic and enterprise needs through its staff, the quality of its graduates, the relevance of its programmes, the quality of its research and its ability to translate that into high value jobs and real benefits for society.


Full Story: www.fiannafail.ie


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