'We're the only focal point for rural communities' [Independent.ie]

BRID Finnegan is the principal of a two-teacher school with the 'X Factor'.

Even though she has to juggle four classes simultaneously, she said it was possible to manage with planning -- and that includes using the popular TV talent show to teach maths.

She has polled her pupils about their favourite 'X Factor' singers and then got them to use the data in their maths exercises.

"The third class get the very basics, they got their tallies and did bar charts, whereas you can go on then to do percentages with the others. It's a lot of work, but if you're well planned, you can get through it," she said.

The Cnoc Doire national school has 25 pupils and is around four miles outside Kilrush in Co Clare.

Ms Finnegan works with another teacher, Catherine McNamara, and has 15 children in her class.

She believes children get a good education in smaller schools because the "small numbers are key".

"You can teach each child properly and, more importantly, you can monitor each child properly," she told the Irish Independent.

Despite the small numbers in individual classes, Ms Finnegan said the children were able to challenge themselves by competing with all those in the room.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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