Young musicians find what they're looking for with U2 []

SOON, they will have found what they're looking for.

Young musical talent, starved of the money or opportunity to develop their skills, can look forward to tuning up thanks to the country's biggest band.

A public-private music education partnership, called Music Generation, has been partly funded to the tune of €5m by U2.

Two pilot projects, one in Dublin and one in Donegal, are already proving a huge hit.

In Co Donegal, about 1,000 children a year are learning an instrument or receiving vocal tuition, thanks to the programme.

Hundreds of children in disadvantaged communities in Dublin's north inner city and Ballyfermot are also benefiting.

At Larkin Community College in the city centre, the project led to the introduction of music as a core subject and saw an increase in attendance on the days it was offered.

Now Music Generation is ready to set up music education partnerships in other parts of the country and is seeking applications from interested parties.

The funding will support 12 new programmes between 2011- 2015, with up to €200,000 a year for three years on offer.


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