Swine flu fears rise as schools reopen [Independent.ie]

MORE THAN 800,000 students return to school today amid warnings to protect themselves against swine flu, and ahead of talks on how schools will make up for days lost because of the cold snap.

Health authorities have told schools that they play a critical role in preventing the spread of such contagious diseases.

In recent weeks, there has been a major rise in people being treated for flu-like illnesses, of which swine flu is the predominant virus this winter.

And there are fears that infection rates could increase once large numbers of children return to school after the extended Christmas break.

Schools have been told of the importance of practising good hand hygiene, by washing often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing.

Hand-drying facilities at schools should not be shared, with the exception of electric hand dryers and roller towels of the type that allow for a clean section to be pulled out for each use, according to HSE guidelines. Schools may ask staff and students to bring in their own hand towels.

If children don't have access to hand-washing facilities, parents have been told to give them an alcohol hand gel to use.

Teachers are also being asked to ensure that pupils do not share pens, crayons or wind instruments.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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