Union bosses jet off as teachers face crucial vote [Independent.ie]

THE leaders of a teachers' union have flown to a conference in Thailand as their members face a crucial re-ballot on the Croke Park deal.

Members of the Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI) were furious yesterday after general secretary Peter MacMenamin and president Bernie Ruane left for an Education International conference on Equality in Education in Bangkok.

Any delay by the TUI in making a decision on the deal with the Government -- which its members previously rejected -- is likely to stall the introduction of key reforms by other unions.

The education unions generally give their verdict on government deals at the same time.

More than 30,000 primary teachers represented by the INTO have already agreed to work an extra hour a week.

But the second and third level TUI and second-level Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI) have to re-ballot their members on proposals on extra hours recently put forward by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), with voting expected in about three weeks.

Sources said the timing of the week-long trip by the union's most senior members could not be worse and has caused huge irritation among many members.

They said intense consultations should start immediately as members -- who are among the most hardline in their opposition to the agreement -- need guidance.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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