Parents sentenced for not sending daughter to school [IrishTimes]

THE PARENTS of a 15-year-old girl have been each sentenced to 21 days in jail for failing to send her to school.

However, the judge at Tullamore District Court suspended the sentence on condition that the parents did not appear before him again.

The girl attended for only 15 days in the last two years, the court was told.

In spite of a number of warnings from the court and the intervention of social workers, the girl’s parents claimed that they have been unable to get her to go to school.

The court heard that the father claimed he tried everything to get the girl to go to school.

“You can’t pull a child down the street and throw her into school,” he said.

“All I can do is talk to the child and advise her that she has to be in school.”

Solicitor for the parents Donal Farrelly said the parents were in physical ill-health and there were other difficulties outlined in a report given to the judge.

“Short of physical violence, he wasn’t sure what other effort he could make,” said Mr Farrelly,


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