Teacher unions to hold second ballot on reform deal [IrishTimes]

SECONDARY TEACHER unions are to reballot members on the Croke Park agreement after the Department of Education clarified aspects of the deal.

The executive of the Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland (ASTI) decided at the weekend to hold a new ballot.

The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) will also reballot members shortly.

Last year, the ASTI’s 18,000 members rejected the Croke Park deal by a decisive margin in line with a recommendation from its executive. But the executive is making no recommendation in advance of the latest ballot.

Instead, a document has been issued to the ASTI’s members which details the outcome of recent “clarification” talks between the ASTI and the department.

The Croke Park deal on public service reform promises no pay cuts or compulsory redundancies until 2014 in exchange for modernisation measures. The deal was backed by the wider public service trade union movement and the largest teacher union, the INTO.

It was rejected though by the ASTI and the TUI.

ASTI’s general secretary Pat King said: “The ASTI central executive council has always been adamant that frontline teachers working in classrooms all over the country would have the final say on the outcome of the talks between the ASTI and the Department of Education and Skills.

“This ballot is of utmost importance as it has major implications for the pay, working conditions and job security of second-level teachers.”


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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