Minister outlines key Budget measures for Education in 'difficult economic times'

  • Expenditure increase of 3.2pc to €9.6bn
  • 'Tough choices' made on savings in difficult Exchequer position
  • Capital spend up €79m to €889m

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, today outlined the detail of the 2009 Budget provision for his Department, saying 'tough choices' had to made in meeting the needs of the sector in difficult economic times.

The gross allocation for the Department of Education and Science is €9.6 billion - an increase of €302 million, or 3.2pc, on last year's allocation.

Minister O'Keeffe said: 'In framing this Budget, the Government faced very difficult choices. However, the increase for the Department of Education and Science reflects the Government's commitment to prioritising investment in the sector in very difficult economic circumstances.'

The capital allocation for next year will amount to €889 million - an increase of €79 million, or almost 10pc, on the 2008 outturn.

Minister O'Keeffe said: 'This will allow me to continue to significantly invest in school buildings throughout the country, to provide additional school places and to refurbish existing schools, as well as investing in higher education infrastructure including strategic research programmes under the Government's Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation.'

However, Minister O'Keeffe acknowledged the impact of funding restrictions in a number of areas, saying they were the inevitable result of the more challenging economic environment and the need to prudently manage Exchequer resources.

'The resources available to me next year mean that difficult choices had to be made in order to try to meet the full range of needs in the education sector.

'While teachers and special needs assistants have been exempted from the general 3pc payroll cut across the public sector, a number of measures had to be taken in the education sector, including increasing class sizes from next September, to help contain public sector pay while providing for demographic and other changes,' said Minister O'Keeffe.

The Estimate provides for increases in capitation for schools. This means that a primary school's capitation and ancillary grants will increase by €25 per pupil to €355. For a voluntary secondary school, the capitation and school support services grants will increase by €22 per pupil. A number of specialist grants have been abolished, with the general capitation increases aimed at giving schools maximum flexibility in how they use their grant allocation.

Minister O'Keeffe said €10 million is being allocated to the Department of Education and Science to further enhance services to children with special needs pending the implementation of the EPSEN Act. Included as part of this investment is the expansion of the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) to cover all schools in the country by the end of 2009. In the past academic year, national coverage by NEPS was provided to 60pc of schools.

'In the more challenging period ahead for the Irish economy, it will be necessary for us to continue to target and prioritise our resources to maximum effect across the education sector. I would ask all the education partners for their co-operation in working with me through the challenges we now face together,' said Minister O'Keeffe.

Minister O'Keeffe said he would now be implementing the agency rationalisation measures in the education sector announced by the Minister for Finance in his Budget statement.

'The proposals for agency rationalisation are logical and appropriate. In the case of the qualifications bodies, I will immediately be working with those concerned to work out the practical details. The amalgamated body will allow us to build on the internationally recognised strength that has been developed across our qualifications and quality assurance systems,' said Minister O'Keeffe.


Editors' Note: Please find attached a detailed breakdown of the main features of the 2009 Budget provision for the education sector. The attached briefing note is for background use only.

Bernard Mallee
Special Adviser on Press and Communications

Minister Batt O'Keeffe TD
Minister for Education and Science
Department of Education and Science
Marlborough St
Dublin 1

T: +353 1 889 6711
F: +353 1 878 6712
M: +353 87 9173022



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