Launch of the Implementation Body Website by Minister of State, Dara Calleary T.D. []

The Minister of State for Public Service Transformation, Dara Calleary T.D., today launched the website of the Implementation Body of the Croke Park Agreement. The Minister stated:

“The Croke Park Agreement has ensured that public services have been maintained and in some cases expanded despite very significant reductions in pay and resources. In cooperating with the Croke Park Agreement, the Government recognises that public servants have put the interests of citizens first.

I am pleased to launch the website for the Implementation Body, which sets out the achievements of the Croke Park Agreement. The information on the website will include quarterly reports on progress, including actual cash savings, costs avoided, improved and reformed services and internal efficiencies. The website will also indicate the further efficiencies and service reforms for 2011.”

The Minister outlined a number of the key specific achievements that have occurred under the Croke Park Deal:
The Government has saved €1.8bn from the public service paybill in 2010 with minimal industrial disruption.
Public service numbers have fallen by 12,000 (on a whole time equivalent basis) over the 18 months to autumn 2010, with a further 2,000 people leaving the HSE by end year under the voluntary exit schemes.
The fall in management grades has been particularly pronounced, with a 10% reduction in the civil service alone since 2008.
Teachers will be spending more time teaching because there will be fewer instances when teachers have to take time out for activities like training and parent meetings.
There is greater access to services on-line (24/7 365 days per year from people’s own homes) and more opportunity to access information about and interact with public services electronically, rather than having to take time off work and come in person to an office.


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