Time for Enda Kenny to reconsider misguided policy on ‘compulsory Irish’ - Mary Coughlan [fiannafail.ie]

Time for Enda Kenny to reconsider misguided policy on ‘compulsory Irish’ -  An Tánaiste Mary Coughlan

- FG candidates must state publicly whether they support policy in advance of manifesto launch

Speaking in Donegal today, Tánaiste Mary Coughlan called on Deputy Enda Kenny to clarify his party’s position in relation to the abolition of compulsory Irish in the Leaving Certificate.

“Enda Kenny obviously hasn't thought this through and some of his own party members have acknowledged as much. Any erosion of the status of the Irish language in the education system would be a retrograde step. Irish should remain a core part of the education of our young people.

“Experience in the UK shows that an attempt to make the learning of languages optional, leads to a significant decline in the number of people studying languages. Furthermore, any change in the status of the Irish language in the Leaving Cert would have serious implications for the viability of Irish Summer Colleges in the Gaeltacht which are so vital to the economy of the Gaeltacht and to the growth of the language.’

The Tánaiste called on Deputy Kenny to now drop his misguided policy on downgrading the teaching of Irish in our secondary schools.

“There is no logic behind this but Mr. Kenny has persisted with this policy since 2007. Fianna Fáil believes that he was wrong then and we believe he is wrong now.  We are not alone. His own candidates, the leader of the Labour Party, and key Irish language organisations, are all opposed to this policy.

If he is able to shift his position in relation to budgetary targets and the number of jobs he suggests his NewEra plan can create, then he should do likewise for our national language.’


Full Story: www.fiannafail.ie


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