Labour to target improving literacy levels [IrishExaminer]

Tackling literacy problems in Irish schools will be a key priority for the Labour Party in Government, it said today.

Ruairi Quinn said his party would make a statement of intent that it would not allow the situation where one in in three students in disadvantaged schools are illiterate to continue.

The Education Spokesman said the outgoing Government had failed to equip young people with the basic skills needed to engage fully with society.

The party says that literacy rates in Ireland have not improved since 1980 - with one in 10 - or around 50,000 primary school children now suffering from serious literacy difficulties.

In Government, Labour is pledging to develop a national strategy to improve overall youth literacy levels by allowing teachers to devote 90 minutes every day to literacy skills.

"Literacy is the foundation on which education is built," said Mr Quinn.

"If we don't get that right, all of our subsequent investment in education is compromised.

"No child should leave an Irish school unable to read and write. It is the most basic, and the most important, skill that our schools teach."

In its document Labour's Plan for Literacy, the party outlined proposals for primary and secondary schools nationwide.

Mr Quinn also criticised Fine Gael's proposals to cut 30,000 jobs out of the public service, which he said will have a devastating impact on frontline services.


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