Children feel they use web ‘too much’ [IrishExaminer]

MORE Irish children consider they spend too much time on the internet than their European counterparts.

A new survey finds that 43% of Irish children report using the internet excessively compared to the EU average of 30%.

The EU Kids Online study also finds that over half of Irish children between the ages of nine and 16 are using the internet for more than one hour each day.

Excessive use of the internet is particularly prevalent among 11 to 12 year-olds.

Over 45% of those surveyed say they have spent less time than they should with friends, family or doing schoolwork because of time online. This is compared to the average 35% on a European level.

The publication of the survey, entitled EU Kids Online: The Ireland Report: Risks and Safety for Children on the Internet, was made to mark the annual Safer Internet Day, which is part of a global drive to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people.

The survey also found that a growing number of children in Ireland (37%) are allowed use the internet in a private space away from supervision. However, far more (56%) only access it in a public room at home. This is a reverse of the European finding where more children had private internet access (49%) compared to public rooms (only 38%).

"It’s up to parents themselves," says Catherine Bolger, psychologist with Dublin Institute of Technology. "They have a responsibility to strictly supervise their children’s and young teens’ access to any internet sites — not just social networking sites. It sounds obvious but parents need to know what their children are doing."

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