YouTube Newstalk YouTube digital debate receives over 1,700 questions & almost 20,000 vote []

The first phase of the Newstalk YouTube digital debate has now ended and we have received more than 1,700 questions and almost 20,000 votes. Now, it is over to the party leaders.

The 10 most popular questions have been sent to the party leaders who will record a short video response to each.

These video responses will be uploaded on the You Tube channel hosting the digital debate on Friday February 18th and the public will have an opportunity to vote on the best answers between then and February 24th.

Below is the list of the Top 10 most popular questions


Would it not be wise to bring various economists to the cabinet? People with real financial know-how. Also, why not have politicians appointed to ministerial jobs according to their qualifications?

What is your party going to do about the millions of euros of oil and natural gas that we currently give away 100% tax free to global corporations?


Everyday we are seeing successful businesses close due to extortionate rent rates that are non negotiable due to clauses in leases. How will your government tackle this issue, both to maintain existing business and encourage new business?

Ireland has the best wind resources in the EU, yet state development in this sector has been terrible. With the resources naturally available to us we could resurrect our construction industry and become a major energy exporter. Why not support this?


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