Call to Employers for Expressions of Interest for the Internship Development Programme []

The Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Ms. Mary Coughlan, today (22 February 2011) called for qualifying enterprises who wish to take part in a new initiative, the Internship Development Programme, to register ‘Expressions of Interest’ with FÁS.

The Internship Development Programme is a new enterprise-led labour market activation initiative aimed at those who are at least three months unemployed. Under this programme participants will be offered a 12 month placement with host organisations. In addition to the actual placement, participants will undertake an education and training component, which will be certified and will aim to improve their skills and competencies.

The programme is open to companies in the Private, Commercial Semi-State and Community/Voluntary Sector (Host Organisations). The criteria for becoming a host organisation includes a requirement that a company must have a minimum of 1 full time employee and has not made any person redundant in the last three months.  Under the criteria of the programme it is proposed that host organisations who participate in the programme will contribute €150 per week per intern.

The Tánaiste said that from today, FÁS is inviting ‘Expressions of Interest’ from qualifying enterprises who wish to offer internships under this programme. She said that the success of the programme will be entirely dependent on enterprises embracing the programme and offering quality placements to the unemployed.


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