Irish language in decline in Gaeltacht areas []

According to new figues released by COGG, only 1,000 children out of the 9,500 attending Gaeltacht primary schools are native Irish speakers.

The figures were compiled by the state agency COGG (An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta), which promotes the educational needs of all Irish schools.

They show also that 70 per cent of Gaeltacht primary schools operate with only three, or fewer, teachers.

"Any discussion of amalgamation of small rural schools, which is being proposed for economic reasons, must bear in mind the language of instruction in schools,"  COGG chief executive Muireann Ni Mhorain said.

Meanwhile, the increasing demand for all-Irish schools outside Gaeltacht areas is not being met. At present, 28,500 children are attending Irish-medium primary schools but the Department of Education has not sanctioned any new such schools since 2008, when four new ones opened.


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