Pre-school workers key to identifying abuse [IrishTimes]

Childcare staff who work with the 97 per cent of children in pre-schools, creches or montessori schools could be key to protecting them from abuse, the children's charity Barnardos said today.

Speaking at the publication of a new guide on safe-guarding children aimed at such workers, the charity's training manager, Anne Conroy, said they had an "ideal opportunity to observe [children's] development and well-being".

The guide Protecting Children , published by Barnardos, is about making the national Children First guidelines easy to understand.

Last year, 97 per cent of pre-school age children in Ireland participated in the free preschool year and related schemes, said Ms Conroy.

She said early-years teachers had "a unique opportunity to play an important role in identifying child protection and welfare concerns if they arise."

She cited British research published in 2007 which found children between the ages of birth and four years were most at risk from child abuse, highlighting the vulnerability of pre-school children. "It is essential that early years and school age services promote positive professional practice that incorporates the protection of children."


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