Teacher gets €900,000 in paid leave as 14-year case drags on [Independent.ie]

A TEACHER placed on paid leave amid child protection allegations is estimated to have received almost €900,000, as a probe into the claims has dragged on for 14 years.

The teacher is one of 15 receiving full pay while under investigation for the alleged abuse and neglect of primary and secondary school students.

The Irish Independent has learned that the teachers are all on paid administrative leave -- receiving an average salary of €64,000 up until last year. This has since been reduced to €57,000 as a result of cuts.

The average length of time for an investigation to be completed is between three months and seven years. But it has been confirmed that one teacher has been on leave for 14 years and has received an estimated salary of €889,000 during that time.

According to the Department of Education, an inquiry was carried out by the HSE into the case and there was a criminal process.

However, a spokesman has refused to say what the outcome of both probes was and the HSE and gardai have also refused to comment on the case.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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