Schools unite to fight plan for closures [IrishExaminer]

A CAMPAIGN is being mounted by 37 primary schools in West Cork to fight possible closures mooted by the Department of Education as part of planned cost-cutting measures.

Save Our Small Schools has been set up by principals and teachers to protect schools in the region with less than 50 pupils which could be closed or amalgamated under plans by the department to save money.

Its chairwoman Clara McGowan said closing schools would be the last nail in the coffin for rural Ireland.

She said the department recently pasted information on its website it was carrying out a review of small schools in a bid to save €20 million.

Ms McGowan, principal of the 12-pupil St James’ National School, Durrus, said closures and amalgamations would have "a huge negative effect on the social fabric" of the region and prove detrimental to pupils and their families.

The deadline for submissions under the department’s national Small Primary Schools Value for Money Review is this Friday.

The group has already submitted its views and parents have also been asked to add their opinions.

Ms McGowan said the group was also lobbying local TDs in an effort to prevent any closures.

"Even though some rural schools are situated relatively close to each other they serve a wide catchment area. If schools were amalgamated, it would result in much longer travelling time, often on poor roads and children would no longer have the healthier options of walking or cycling to school."

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