Concern for viability of small primary schools []

The Department of Education will receive final representations today from interest groups concerned about the future of small primary schools.

It has begun a review of all schools with fewer than 50 pupils to examine whether they represent value for money. Today is the deadline for submissions.

There are concerns among parent groups and rural communities that the review will lead to the closure of local schools.

The Department of Education says this review is taking place in the context of pressure on funding and resources, and to see if money being spent on these schools is being spent wisely.

One fifth of all Primary schools in Ireland - or just under 600 - cater for fewer than 50 pupils. They are all two- and even one-teacher schools and most are in rural areas.

The McCarthy report recommended amalgamating all of these schools with others to save an estimated €18m. It also recommended the amalgamation of schools with one hundred or fewer pupils.


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