Newly qualified teachers need our support [IrishExaminer]

I AM writing to bring to your attention the plight of newly qualified teachers.

Until recently all NQTs had five years to complete their diploma but a decision has been made reducing that time to three years.

Many NQTs are having great difficulty finding even a few days’ substitute work and some "lucky ones" have found a maternity leave to cover.

With even more graduates coming to the jobs market this September, there is enormous pressure on NQTs (who are counting on being fully probated teachers in order to improve their employment prospects).

The recent decision by the Teaching Council makes no sense in a time of education cuts and unemployment for newly qualified teachers.

Should the three years run out, an NQT may apply to the Teaching Council for an extension. However, I contend that if the recent decision were reversed and NQTs had five years to complete the Dip, then many would avoid the highly stressful scenario of feeling that "time is running out".

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