Intel launches eSchools plan to boost wireless in classrooms []

Straffan National School in Kildare is to be the first school in Ireland to benefit from Intel’s eSchools programme, which aims to enable primary schools to embrace the use of wireless technology in the classroom.

Each year, Intel donates a classroom technology package to a chosen school, which includes 30 new laptops, a dedicated teacher laptop, an LCD projector and a portable trolley unit to allow the kit to be moved between classrooms.

Students and teachers can then use the wirelessly enabled laptops to access the internet from anywhere in the school, allowing them to incorporate technology into the teaching and learning process.

This year for the first time, eSchools was linked to Intel’s Mini Scientist initiative for primary schools as those who entered the science program have the opportunity to apply for the eSchools competition.

There was a fantastic response to both the Mini Scientist program, which had more than 2,600 participants in 2010, and to the eSchools initiative, which had a large number of applicants.


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