The Catholic Schools Partnership is wrong to oppose the Quinn plan [IrishTimes]

The transfer of 50 per cent of schools out of Catholic patronage is good for civil society, writes BRIAN MOONEY

THE POSITION paper issued last week by the Catholic Schools Partnership (CSP) – the new umbrella group for Catholic schools – represents the opening salvo in what is likely to be a long war on school patronage.

Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn wants 1,500 schools (about 50 per cent of all primary schools) transferred to other patrons.

But achieving this will be a very tall order.

The CSP paper outlines the value of Catholic schools as places where the emphasis is on “the dignity of the human person as a child of God called to work with other persons in creating an inclusive community in service of the common good.”

It argues that a transfer of patronage should only take place where sufficient demand for a school under different patronage can be demonstrated, following some pilot projects, and only after dialogue with the local community.

Who could possibly argue with this very reasonable approach to this issue?

Well I think the CSP is wrong to oppose the Quinn plan.


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