Employers are telling us that it's time for change [Independent.ie]

LEARNING off by heart might seem like a good idea to Leaving Certificate students but it doesn't serve them or the country well.

Word perfect, they end up squeezing through the narrow gate that is the points system and into college.

But if they wonder why their lecturers are not entirely impressed subsequently, it's because many students lack the ability to learn for themselves.

Rote learning is not what education should be about, and it's certainly not what is required for our much-talked about smart economy or its workforce.

As it stands, every debate about the points system either begins or ends with one issue: it may be blunt, but it has the huge advantages of being fair and transparent.

What's the alternative? It's not simple.

That is why the Higher Education Authority and the National Council for Curriculum is calling on international experts to share their experiences.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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