Questions Quinn is refusing to answer on FAS []

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn was asked a series of questions by the Irish Independent about the awarding of a consultancy contract by FAS and his plans for the organisation:

1. Does the minister think it is appropriate for FAS, which has been mired in spending scandals, to spend large sums of money on outside consultants?

2. Does the minister think FAS should be spending such money when the Programme for Government says it will be abolished?

3. How much is the contract worth?

4. Who decided that FAS needed to spend this money on outside consultancy?

5. Who signed off on the contract with Fleishman Hillard?

6. How many other companies tendered for the contract?

7. Who were the other companies who tendered for the contract?

8. What exactly is the contract for?

9. Why couldn't the work have been carried out by internal FAS staff?

10. What are the minister's plans for FAS, considering both he and Fine Gael called for it to be scrapped before the election?


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