Address by Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, at the TUI Congress [DES - Press Release]

I want to start by thanking you for your invitation to join you in Tralee at your annual congress and for your warm welcome.

I consider myself privileged to have been given the job I wanted in what is, in effect, a National Government.

This week in speaking to your colleagues in the INTO and ASTI I have been setting out the challenges we face as a country and what that means for the education sector.

I am anxious to ensure that all of the education partners are in no doubt of the very difficult road that lies ahead and I equally want to share my perspective with you.

My party respects the role of the trade union movement in this country.

We place a strong value on all that is good in public service.

I understand how at your annual congress you must discuss and debate the issues that matter to you.

There are issues that concern you as individuals but also issues that come from your concern about education provision and particularly how schools and colleges are resourced and it is appropriate that they are aired and debated.


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