Ban on filling posts 'puts pupils at risk of dropout' []

MORE pupils will be in danger of "falling through the cracks" and leaving education unless a ban on filling posts of responsibility is lifted, teachers warned yesterday.

Vulnerable students who are being bullied are also in danger of not getting the attention they need, according to a survey of school principals carried out by the Teachers Union of Ireland.

The results of the survey, which were unveiled at the TUI congress in Tralee, Co Kerry yesterday, show that often there is no longer anybody in a position in schools to intervene in a timely manner in cases of bullying or absenteeism.

But Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has said there will be no reversal of decisions already taken to cut services and that further cuts could be expected.

"It's an understandable request but the provisions that were communicated to the schools, including the decision regarding the moratorium, will not be changed," he said.

Under the moratorium, which has been in place since April 2009, any assistant principals or holders of posts of responsibility who retire are not being replaced. Some schools have lost up to five posts of responsibility since then.

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