Nicola Anderson: Deja vu all over again as Quinn sticks to the script []

ANOTHER day, another conference -- but the same speech. Teachers at the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) conference in Tralee, Co Kerry, yesterday asked one another if they noticed how the Education Minister kept repeating "the same phrase" over and over, to the point that it "was driving them mad".

Try listening to the repetition of the thing in its entirety -- three times.

Not alone that, but he even delivered what was pretty much the same speech to school principals at the JMB/AMCSS conference in Killarney last month. Four times, then.

So nobody can accuse Ruairi Quinn of failing to drive home the message that we're broke, we've lost our economic sovereignty and that our education system isn't as good as we've led ourselves to believe.

Yes, we get it, and, yes, we also know that repetition is an effective learning method used in all the best classrooms. It's just that the news doesn't get any easier to swallow the more often you hear it. In fact, it's a little worse.


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