'I decided I would kill him first and then kill myself' [Independent.ie]

WITH an imposing build and aura of authority, Peter does not look like the typical victim of bullying.

Yet he endured years of being bullied at the hands of his principal until he reached a point where he planned to murder his former friend before taking his own life.

Peter (not his real name) said the bullying began when a man he had considered to be his friend was promoted to principal. Over a period of time he noticed his own position of authority in the school being undermined and his status eroded. "It was very subtle to begin with and initially I felt I was being hyper-sensitive," Peter said.

The new principal's first instruction to Peter was not to attend any more managerial meetings. At staff meetings he'd be thanked for his "contribution" and then ignored. He felt he was being "air brushed" out of achievements he had been integral to within the school.

"This man was a prolific bully, some people avoided (taking) sides . . . Slowly but surely my circle of friends was becoming smaller and smaller, until I no longer had anyone on the staff I could call a friend.

"Suicide became a real option, down to the point where I had planned it.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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